Welcome to BOOKLAB for Authors: Marketing Library (Updated March 2021) 

First of all, I see you.
I know how challenging book marketing can be.
I know when you wrote your book, and you worked hours and hours on making the best book you could, you wanted people to read it... to know about it...to talk about it.

I know you are wondering what you can do to help increase book sales without being buried in the overwhelming world of book marketing. Without posting "buy my book" all over social media before giving up and walking away.


I get it. It is hard to have balance when book marketing requires so much time and attention and more so when it is about things you may not know anything about and have to learn it first!

  • Have you written a book, and you have now realized how CRITICAL the marketing piece is post-launch hype? 
  • Are you wondering how to go about marketing your book for consistent sales? 


There is NO ONE BETTER TO MARKET YOUR BOOKS THAN YOU! It is a critical part of your author business!

Do not let BOOK MARKETING overwhelm you; learn what you can do to pace yourself so that this is an enjoyable endeavor.

The Details

BOOKLAB for Authors is an evergreen resource library. This will allow you to go directly to the information you need when you need it. 

  • Upon enrollment, you have access to ALL the materials.
  • You can ask questions, and they will be answered and added to the FAQ area for future reference and to help others.
  • Join the Facebook Group for support.
  • Continuously update as this is the ONE STOP Marketing Resource for STOKE Publishing and their clients.
  • This resource will continue to grow, but you will not have to pay again!

BOOKLAB is ideal for self-published authors who have their books on the KDP Platform and control their KDP account and book listings.

*Modules will be updated as things change, so if you have watched a module but know there have been changes, check back for the updated information.

About the instructor

Founder, STOKE Publishing


Jennifer began her writing/self-publishing career in 2013. She is the Founder of STOKE Publishing and a bestselling, self-published author of many books.  Jennifer's journey has been full of adventures and opportunities to learn what NOT to do so she can certainly save you some agony! She is excited to support each one of you as a writer and published author! Jennifer brings a multi-faceted perspective to the self-publishing arena which isn't matched by many in the industry. Teacher, librarian, bestselling author, book coach, content creator, and publisher. Jennifer has used her books to create a successful life strategy coaching business so she teaches there are MANY ways to make your book work for YOU and encourages thinking beyond book royalties! Her education includes a Master's Degree in Children's Literature from Texas A&M University and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Educational Technology from Cape Breton University. She insists that her clients understand they must show up, deliver and stand behind the power in their work and that being self-published does NOT mean you have to compromise on quality or impact. In fact, it means you can control them both!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to BOOKLAB for Authors: Marketing Library! (Updated March 2021)

    • WELCOME to BOOKLAB for Authors: Marketing Library 2021

  • 2

    NEW - June 2022 - A+ Content and How To Access and Use It

    • A+ Content - How to Access and Design - Includes Templates

  • 3

    Frequently Asked Questions About Marketing (Please submit any questions you have!)

    • FAQ's

  • 4

    Facebook Live Videos - If I go live in the FB group I will post them here too!

    • Pivot Your Book Marketing When Things Happen (COVID-19)

  • 5

    Resource List

    • Evergreen Resource List

  • 6

    Amazon Author Pages (Updated March 2021)

    • Amazon Author Pages Upgrade! What Buyers See!

    • What Your Amazon Author Dashboard Looks Like

  • 7

    START HERE! The Foundational Work - Book Optimization (Updated March 2021)

    • Is Your Book Optimized for Selling?

    • KDP Optimization Tour - What You Can Do Better?

    • A Warning About Book Titles

    • Checklist for Optimization

    • Critique Video of One of My Books and My Optimization Tactics

  • 8

    Module 1 - Focusing on Description Optimization (Updated March 2021)

    • HTML Book Description Editor for SEVERAL Market Places (UPDATED MAY 2020)

    • Optimizing Your Book Description for Amazon/KDP (Pre May 2020)

    • Case Study: Rewriting my Description for the Revamping of WTF to OMG

    • Dissect a Description

  • 9

    Module 2 - QUICK Keyword + Category Optimization (Updated March 2021)

    • Analyzing Keywords + Categories

    • Quick Peek at How to Use the Software



  • 10

    Module 3 - Reviews + Build Your List to Launch (Updated March 2021)

    • Reviews - You Need Them

    • Build Your List With This Strategy

    • Reviews - Be Creative in the Ask

    • Amazon Didn't Post The Review?

    • Creative Ways To Get Reviews (now Ratings)

    • Send Readers to the EXACT Review Link

    • Review Services (Updated March 2021)

  • 11

    Module 4 - Authentic Networking - Influence Marketing (Updated March 2021)

    • Authentic Networking

    • Find Your People

    • Why People Buy Books (and think about how to use your network to help you)

  • 12

    Module 5 - Promotional Sites and Ideas + Holiday Promotions (Updated March 2021)

    • Promotional Sites + How to Use Them

    • Promotional Sites: Get Started

    • Case Studies: Happy on Purpose + Promo Sites

    • Creating Scarcity + Rotating Titles + Gift Giving Guides

    • Holiday Promotion Ideas - STOKE Publishing

    • Sample Press Release

    • Sample Media Kit

  • 13

    Module 6 - Author Websites + Platform: Putting Them to Work FOR You (Updated March 2021)

    • What is a Platform and Why Do You Need One?

    • Basic Author Website - Checklist

    • Optimizing Social for Selling - Facebook + Instagram

    • How Optimize Your Instagram Profile

    • Instagram for Authors

    • Instagram Guide for Authors - STOKE Publishing

    • Facebook + Pinterest for Authors

    • Leveraging Other People's Platforms

    • Building and Nurturing Your Email List (Yes, you need one!)

  • 14

    Module 7 - Book Clubs (Updated March 2021)

    • Book Clubs

    • Know Your Niche

    • Amazon Book Clubs - JOIN ME!

    • Book Club Ideas + Marketing Samples

  • 15

    Module 8 - Backend/Frontend Development (Updated March 2021)

    • Backend Development

    • Front Matter and Back Matter - How this works!

  • 16

    Module 9 - All About Audio Books (Updated March 2021)

    • Audio Books

    • Audio Books Tips (Podcasting Tips)

    • Basic Audacity Tutorial

  • 17

    Module 10 - Virtual Book Launches and Re-Launches (Updated March 2021)

    • Virtual Launches and Re-Launches

    • Think Outside the Box: You Create the Rules

    • Book Signing Event

    • Positioning Checklist for a Relaunch

    • STOKE's Launch Planner

  • 18

    Module 11 - Email List Building, Content, Marketing Calendars (Updated March 2021)

    • Email List - Content Ideas

    • Content Planning for Social Media

    • Sample Monthly Marketing Plan - What You Get

    • Sample Monthly Marketing Plan

    • Sample Monthly Marketing Plan Calendar

    • Content Ideas/Samples for Newsletters + Social Media

  • 19

    Module 12: Bundles and Box Sets (Updated March 2021)

    • New Combinations = New Sales

  • 20

    Module 13: How to Run a FREE + $.99 Promotion and Why You'd Want To! (NEW March 15, 2021)

    • FREE Promotion for Kindle Book (Updated March 15, 2021)

  • 21

    Module 14: The Workshop Model (Added March 23, 2021)

    • Earn Money With Your Books + Workshops

Get a Grip on Book Marketing, Optimization and Promotion!

Purchase BOOKLAB for AUTHORS: Marketing Library and get started right away!
